[2013/03/16 09:30:00] Flight IATA:I0005-P Pilot Number:346 Company ICAO:TAF Aircraft Type:B462 PAX:60 Aircraft Registration:I0005-P Departing Airport: TNCA Destination Airport: SVMI Alternate Airport:SVFM Online: No Route:TNCA ABA PNA PBL NOL SVMI Flight Level:FL110 No Slew and time accel Crash detect 09:30 Zero fuel Weight: 81908 Lbs, Fuel Weight: 10959 Lbs 09:34 Parking Brakes off 09:34 Com1 Freq=118.00 09:42 Com1 Freq=118.12 09:42 Com1 Freq=118.00 09:43 Com1 Freq=118.25 09:43 Com1 Freq=118.30 09:43 Com1 Freq=118.25 09:43 Com1 Freq=118.00 09:45 VR= 122 Knots 09:45 V2= 140 Knots 09:45 Take-off 09:45 Take off Weight: 92160 Lbs 09:45 Wind: 059º @ 011 Knots Heading: 115º 09:45 POS N12º 30´ 13´´ W070º 00´ 35´´ 09:45 N11 77 N12 77 09:45 Gear Up: 142 Knots 09:45 Flaps:1 at 142 Knots 09:45 Flaps:0 at 153 Knots 09:46 Com1 Freq=120.90 09:51 Com1 Freq=124.10 09:52 TOC 09:52 Fuel Weight: 9438 Lb 09:57 Com1 Freq=124.00 10:00 Wind:192º@006 Knots Heading: 134º Ground Speed: 259 Knots Altitude 11010 ft 10:15 Wind:164º@006 Knots Heading: 143º Ground Speed: 257 Knots Altitude 11040 ft 10:26 TOD 10:26 Fuel Weight: 7460 Lb 10:30 Wind:092º@009 Knots Heading: 176º Ground Speed: 221 Knots Altitude 5544 ft 10:31 Com1 Freq=119.30 10:32 Com1 Freq=118.40 10:41 Com1 Freq=120.10 10:45 Wind:144º@009 Knots Heading: 209º Ground Speed: 196 Knots Altitude 5456 ft 10:46 Com1 Freq=118.30 10:46 Com1 Freq=120.10 10:47 Com1 Freq=119.30 10:55 Com1 Freq=118.40 11:00 Wind:161º@008 Knots Heading: 115º Ground Speed: 176 Knots Altitude 4498 ft 11:01 Flaps:1 at 186 Knots 11:02 Gear Down: 180 Knots 11:04 Flaps:2 at 169 Knots 11:07 TouchDown:Rate -339 ft/min Speed: 152 Knots 11:07 Land 11:07 Wind:093º@002 Knots 11:07 Heading: 087º 11:07 Flight Dur ation: 01:22 11:07 Landing Weight: 87111 Lbs 11:07 POS N10º 36´ 29´´ W066º 58´ 36´´ 11:07 Com1 Freq=121.70 11:12 Parking brakes on 11:12 Block to Block Duration: 01:38 11:12 Final Fuel: 4951 Lbls 11:12 Spent Fuel: 6007 Lbls 11:12 Flight Length: 312 NM 11:12 TOD Land Length: 140 NM