Two 335kW (450hp) Pratt & Whitney R985AN6 Wasp nine cylinder piston radial engines driving two blade constant speed propellers.
Max speed 323km/h (175kt), cruising speed 307km/h (166kt). Initial rate of climb 1300ft/min. Service ceiling 22,000ft. Range with max fuel 1285km (695nm).
Empty 2460kg (5425lb), max takeoff 3630kg (8000lb).
Wing span 14.95m (49ft 0in), length 11.70m (38ft 4in), height 3.66m (12ft 0in). Wing area 34.8m2 (375sq ft).
Flightcrew of two. Main cabin passenger seating for six or seven in piston engined Goose.
Total Goose production exceeded 300 aircraft, most of which were originally delivered to military customers. Production ceased in 1945. Small numbers of radial and turbine powered Gooses remain in service worldwide.. |