*AIRCRAFT: ULM (Ultra light Aircraft ) and VLA (Very Light Aircraft) max 740kg MTOW.
*Max. Speed; 120 kts .
*Members not communicating via Unicom (122.800) can be excluded from the tour.
*All the legs MUST be flown online, with "real weather".
*ATC control is not necessary all the way.
*Flights must be flown in "realtime" mode (1x sim rate).
*Please pay attention to your flight plans. Flight plans with wrong departure/arrival airfields will NOT be accepted.
*Remember to report legs in UTC TIME.
*Do not mistake take off and landing times with the moment you connect/disconnect to IVAN.
*Also make sure to report your callsign in the according field as used on the flight.
*Report your flight immediately after your finished the leg by using the PIREP-form.
*And last but not least, have fun and enjoy it!