* We strongly recommend to use Google Earth charts for each leg. Charts stored in special file - Russian Wild VFR Tour.kml
The manuals and file can be found into appendix
* We strongly recommend use the mesh for the Altai area (see appendix). This does not apply to users who use FS Global.
* All legs MUST be flown online, with real weather.
* ATC guidance is not necessary all the way.
* Flights must be flown in realtime mode (1x sim rate, no accelerated mode allowed).
* Please make sure the aircraft you choose is suitable and can operate within limits of airport.
* A maximum disconnection of 15/20 minutes will be accepted due to FS or PC crash reasons.
* Please pay attention to your flight plans. Flight plans with wrong departure/arrival airfields will NOT be accepted.
* Remember to report legs in UTC time and 24 hours format.
* Maximum cruise altitude is 15000 feet MSL. Maximum speed is 160 knots.
* Include as remark in your flight plan RMK/RUVFR14 LEGx (Replace 'x' with the leg number) It's mandatory !
Altay Mesh
FS2004 Scenery
FSX Scenery
X-Plane Scenery
Google Earth navigation